Messenger Marcus preaches on Mary anointing Jesus Head, taken from Mark chapter 14, verses 1 to 11.
Envy Leads To Murder
The account of Mary anointing Jesus head is given in 3 gospel narratives :
Mark 14, Mat 26 and John 12: We will now read Mark’s version:
Mark 14: 1 thru 6 – Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, the hometown of Lazarus, whom He had raised from the dead. 2So they hosted a dinner for Jesus there. Martha served, and Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with Him. 3Then Mary took about a pinta of expensive perfume, made of pure nard, and she anointed Jesus’ feet and wiped them with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.
4But one of His disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was going to betray Him, asked, 5“Why wasn’t this perfume sold for three hundred denarii and the money given to the poor?” 6Judas did not say this because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief. As keeper of the money bag, he used to take from what was put into it.
St. John’s account reveals that the occasion of this anointing took place during a feast hosted for our lord Jesus at Bethany six days before the Passover. At this time the council of priests had finally determined that Jesus must be destroyed; their envy leads to murder. The feast of the Passover should have been at this time ( especially for the religious priests) a real season of rejoicing. They should have been jumping up and down with joy because the passover was a time of celebration; a time of joy over the deliverance of the children of Israel from Egypt. It was a time remembering how God delivered the children if Israel from slavery with a strong hand and led them miraculously to fréedom through the red sea. Instead, their hearts filled with envy and hate over the then popularity of Jesus. In their religious pride they wanted honour and glory from the people and Jesus – was blocking their path to glory, The opinion of the people meant far more than the approval of God. They recognized all the dangers of that plan to kill Jesus. It must be done with subtlety; the people must not be aroused; and therefore they said, “Not on the feast-day”(fff).